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1893-1962: Columbians to 4c First Class Rate - Scott 230-1207
1962-1990: 5c to 25c First Class Rate - Scott 1208-2516
1991-2000: 29c to 33c First Class Rate - Scott 2517-3465
2001-2025: 34c to Forever First Class Rate - Scott 3466-Current
Back of the Book: B C E F FA J O JQ Q QE QI
1934-2025: Duck Stamps + Junior Ducks RW1-88 + JDS 1-30
Transportation Coils Specialized including Errors and PNC's
Untagged Errors (these are also included in the chronological listings)
Commemorative Booklets and Panes (these are also included in the chronological listings)
First Day Covers (these are also included in the chronological listings)
Commemorative Panels (these are also included in the chronological listings)
Souvenir Pages (these are also included in the chronological listings)
First Day Ceremony Programs (these are also included in the chronological listings)